Timeseries APIs on a dime with Node, Tastypie and MySQL

2016 Mar11

ime series data is quickly becoming all the rage in big data circles. The primary use case for large amounts of time series data tends to be visualization of collected metrics. This could be the temperature of our house, CPU usage of a remote server, the oil levels of your car, etc. In a nut shell, time series data is:

  • Data over a continuous time interval
  • Data contains successive measurements across that interval
  • Data uses equal spacing between every two consecutive measurements
  • Each time unit within the interval has at most one data point

It might look something like this

        time: '2016-01-01 00:00:00', // minute 0
        value: 1
        time: '2016-01-01 00:01:00', // minute 1
        value: 2


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Docker for Dummies, I mean Developers

2016 Feb12

mages, Containers, and Tags! Oh My! **Docker** is the new hotness in the software world. Dockerize all of the things! For my tastes, [Docker](https://docs.docker.com) is really more of an operations tool for packaging and deploying self contained apps. However, it is making its way into the development circles. I have been finding that, sometimes, developers have a hard time understanding all of the pieces and how the fit together. They tend to copy and paste commands from docs and tutorials and pray to the gods that there app is running. Confusion between containers, and images, building and running and what tags are just has them typing themselves in circles. But fear **not**! There is a

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filed under:  class oop docker

Override Nested Dependencies With NPM 3

2016 Jan25

pm is one of the primary reasons that the node community is so strong today. It makes it easy to write, package and publish code. This is primarily because of how it solves the package version and dependency crisis - Every package has a version and it's own set of dependencies which are organized into a directory tree. It sounds so simple, but it took over twenty years of developers pulling their hair out over package manager dependency soup, it is a wonder why it hadn't been done sooner. Even more so, NPM's package manifest is a simple json file that lets fine tune the specificity of the modules in your package

However, there is one thing that can

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filed under:  modules npm packages node.js

Dockerizing Node Services

2016 Jan21

f you haven't jumped onto the docker bandwagon just yet, you are missing the boat. It has quickly become the de facto way for building, and deploying applications of all types and sizes. And it should be. It's easy to learn and makes deploying and scaling applications significantly easier. Linux containers are lightweight, start up very quickly, and are "throw away" resources. Most of all, Node.js applications are a breeze to get running containers

Set Up An App

The most common, and easiest way to create Docker images, is to use Dockerfiles. Much like a Makefile, Rakefile, Jakefile, etc, A Docker file is a simple set of instructions that is used to create the base image for you

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filed under:  api docker node.js

Configure Node Apps with Nconf and ETCD

2015 Nov02

Recently, I have been working with, and learning a lot about the new distributed operating system, CoreOS. It is really interesting and makes managing micro-service architectures, quite a bit easier than manually SSHing into each machine and dealing every node individually. At the heart of CoreOS sits ETCD, a distributed key / value store. Internally CoreOS uses it for node discovery, communication and orchestration. Unlike other key / value stores, ETCD feels a bit more like a file system with directories and files. A directory can contain multiple directories and files where a file can contain a single value. For example, you might store the name of the environment as /company/metadata/environment = staging. It is a data hierarchy, which means it

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Throttling Endpoints With Node-Tastypie & Hapijs

2015 Aug01

hen you decide to open up parts of your API to the public, you will need to prepare for bad citizens, or consumers that may abuse your API. One way to safe guard against this might be throttling certain endpoints restricting them to a certain number of request per second.

Throttle ['Thraudl] -n --noun., -v --verb

  1. a device controlling the flow
  2. to choke or suffocate in any way.

Tastypie's base resource has hooks for easily implementing throttling behaviors. The default implementations are mostly for testing and debugging be provide the just such a behavior, allowing you to define a number of requests allowed during a given time frame. Setting up is very easy, and looks something like this:


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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node.js

File Uploads With Node Tastypie & Hapi

2015 Jul24

ealing with files and handling uploads is an ugly reality in web applications. It can be even more unpleasant if you application is driven by REST APIs. In days passed, it often came down to flash uploaders talking outside the api and someone having to link multiple data sets together. I was always partial to the fantastic FancyUploader Library. Fortunately, things have gotten better. Node, and Hapi make dealing with incoming files much easier. More over, Tastypie & Hapi make this exceptionally easy to do this in a single Api Endpoint. To illustrate this we are going to build up a small Api to store and save some binary data.

To accomplish this, we need to do 4 things:

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filed under:  api hapi upload rethinkdb node.js

REST APIs with Node Tastypie - Part 3: Custom Routes

2015 Jul21

e have been taking a look at how to use Tastypie to easily create robust, feature rich REST APIs. Our focus has been on CRUD operations, mainly because they are the ones that ship with tastypie. However, we are not restricted to CRUD with tastypie. You can define any number of endpoints to do whatever you want. To create a custom set of endpoints there are three basic things you need to do:

  • Define a route
  • Define a handler
  • Define Method Access

Last time we wrote a very simple resource that allowed use to just return simple objects. We are going to continue with that example by adding some custom routes to it. If you are joining in late,

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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node

REST APIs with Node Tastypie - Part 2

2015 Jun25

ast time we took a look at setting up a pretty full featured REST api centered around Mongoose. However, sometimes simple is better. Maybe you don't want and/or need all of the extra things that the MongoResource in Tastypie provides. Sometimes you just want to get something, anything working and dump out some data. We don't need paging, caching, filtering, validation, etc. Luckily, Tastypie gives you a dead simple way to do this by simply defining the methods you want to support. Resource methods are defined as <HTTPVERB>_<ACTION>. So a dumb crud resource would look like this:

The Simple Resource

'use strict'
const {Resource} = require('tastypie')

const Simple = Resource.extend({
  get_list: function(
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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node

Functional Math With Closures

2015 Jun23

ven though javascript is the most widely used programming language in the world, people still bash it. *Closures are confusing and prone to errors*, people will often say. Which is a true statement. However, higher order functions and closures are one of the things javascript does best. It allows us bend the language to do some pretty interesting things.

In one situation, I pointed out one could create a function based math library and just dynamically create equations on the fly rather than having to hard code math logic all over the place, where all numbers and operations are functions that accept functions as arguments. Of course I was challenged on the fact - So, of course I had

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