Advanced Data Preparation With Tasypie Resources

2016 Jun16

ne of the major components of a tastypie resource is the data preparation cycle, or hydration cycle. The hydration cycle is the aspect of a resource that is responsible for massaging raw user input into data objects suitable for saving to a data source, and vice versa.

The hydration cycle also encompasses the serialization machinery of the resource which is responsible for converting data object into standard data formats ( JSON, xml, etc ) and vice versa.

Serializtion Cycle

Each Tastypie resource has a Serializer instance which it uses internally to convert data between well formatted string and javascript objects. This behavior is defined in the serialize and deserialize resource methods A serializer class defines how
data is converted to and

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filed under:  tastypie REST node

Throttling Endpoints With Node-Tastypie & Hapijs

2015 Aug01

hen you decide to open up parts of your API to the public, you will need to prepare for bad citizens, or consumers that may abuse your API. One way to safe guard against this might be throttling certain endpoints restricting them to a certain number of request per second.

Throttle ['Thraudl] -n --noun., -v --verb

  1. a device controlling the flow
  2. to choke or suffocate in any way.

Tastypie's base resource has hooks for easily implementing throttling behaviors. The default implementations are mostly for testing and debugging be provide the just such a behavior, allowing you to define a number of requests allowed during a given time frame. Setting up is very easy, and looks something like this:


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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node.js

REST APIs with Node Tastypie - Part 3: Custom Routes

2015 Jul21

e have been taking a look at how to use Tastypie to easily create robust, feature rich REST APIs. Our focus has been on CRUD operations, mainly because they are the ones that ship with tastypie. However, we are not restricted to CRUD with tastypie. You can define any number of endpoints to do whatever you want. To create a custom set of endpoints there are three basic things you need to do:

  • Define a route
  • Define a handler
  • Define Method Access

Last time we wrote a very simple resource that allowed use to just return simple objects. We are going to continue with that example by adding some custom routes to it. If you are joining in late,

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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node

REST APIs with Node Tastypie - Part 2

2015 Jun25

ast time we took a look at setting up a pretty full featured REST api centered around Mongoose. However, sometimes simple is better. Maybe you don't want and/or need all of the extra things that the MongoResource in Tastypie provides. Sometimes you just want to get something, anything working and dump out some data. We don't need paging, caching, filtering, validation, etc. Luckily, Tastypie gives you a dead simple way to do this by simply defining the methods you want to support. Resource methods are defined as <HTTPVERB>_<ACTION>. So a dumb crud resource would look like this:

The Simple Resource

'use strict'
const {Resource} = require('tastypie')

const Simple = Resource.extend({
  get_list: function(
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filed under:  tastypie REST hapi node

REST APIs with Node Tastypie and Mongo - Part 1

2015 Jun12

EST Apis seem to be taking over the world as of late, and Node has been the platform of choice for building them. However, when you take a look at some of the tooling for building robust REST APIs in the node community, the options are bleak at best. When you take a look at all of the properties that would make an API RESTful, it is easy to see that it is rather complex.


There are a few fundamental properties that make apis RESTful - they should be a Scaleable, Stateless, Cacheable, fit into a Layered System which is apart of a Client / Server model that provides a Uniform Interface. In the confines of a Restful HTTP

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filed under:  api tastypie node tast mongodb REST