Exactly Once Execution In A Distributed System

2017 Sep04

kyring is is a distributed system for managing timers, or delayed execution similar to `setTimeout` in javascript. The difference being that it is handled in a reliable and fault tolerant way. setTimeout in javascript is transient. If the running application is restarted or crashes, any pending timers are lost forever. The one guarantee that skyring provides is that a timer will execute after the specified delay, and that it only executes once. Exactly once is an interesting challenge in distributed systems, and Skyring makes use of a number of mechanisms at the node level to achieve this. From a high level, this is what the behavior on individual nodes looks like.

Skyring Node Behavior

Shared Nothing

Skyring follows the shared nothing mantra

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Custom Transports For Skyring

2017 May29

kyring is a distributed system for managing timers. When a timer lapses, a message is delivered to destination that you have defined. *How* that message is delivered is configurable. Out of the box, Skyring comes with an `HTTP` transport, and there is an official package enabling tcp delivery of messages with connection pooling. They are pretty easy to write, and you can use any of the tools you are currently used to using.

STDOUT Transport

To illustrate the process, we're going to make a simple transport handler to write the data to stdout. Basically, speaking a transport is just a node.js module that exports a named function

Module [ˈmäjo͞ol] -n., --noun

any of a number of distinct

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filed under:  zmq skyring timers node.js

Getting Started With Skyring Distributed Timers

2017 May01

he very idea of distributed timers is complex. Conceptually is full of race conditions and edge cases. Skyring for Node.js boils the problems space down to a simple to use library and API for building scalable service that need to perform time sensitive, actions. That is a mouthful - Think An email gateway, a web-hook service, auto-dialers for telephony systems. Or in the most practical sense, anytime you might need functionality like setTimeout but needs to survive restarts / crashes; Or are using a language that doesn't support non-blocking timers. Skyring fills that gap, and it is easy to use. We can get something going in less that 20 lines of code.

To start, we just install the skyring

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filed under:  skyring timers node

Distributed Timers With Node.js and Skyring

2016 Dec28

orking with timers a distributed system is a really nasty problem that pops up more often than most people would like. Something as simple an useful as setTimeout / clearTimeout becomes brittle, unreliable and a bottle neck in today's stateless, scalable server mindset. Basically, I need to be able to set a timer somewhere in a cluster with out knowing or caring about what server. And reversely, I need to be able to cancel that timer **without** having to know where in the cluster that timer lives. But before we can start to understand possible solutions, let's dive into a use case to understand the problem and why existing solutions aren't suitable replacements.


Un-send an email  - A simple

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