Node Style Woes - Domains and Promises

2016 Sep12

omains have been the red-headed step child of error handling in Node.js It is a library that has been deprecated since v0.12 and has been awaiting a suitable replacement ever since ( we are at v6.5 at the time of writing ). Until one has been implemented by the Node Core team, it is still de-facto way to deal with error propagation. As Node.js supports more and more ES6 features, I have been upgrading my open source projects where it seem appropriate. In my command line tool package, seeli, I was doing some updates and came across some exceptionally odd behavior around ES6 Promises and implicit Domain binding. In a nutshell - It's broke.

Monkey Patch (ˈməNGkē

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filed under:  class es6 promises domain node

ES6 Generators and Iterators

2015 Mar03

ode.js ( and more recently io.js ) has put javascript as a programming language on a fast path. We have seen more improvements and advancement in the last 2 years that we have seen in the previous 2 decades. ECMAScript version 6 ( ES6 ) or `harmony` bring a lot of interesting and very useful features. One of the more useful, and oddly enough, confusing features is the introduction of generators and iterators.

The idea of generators and iterators are not unique to javascript. In fact that are fairly common in other programming languages. The Python language is very well know for it wide support for generator / iterator support. In fact it ships with module dedicated to creating and dealing with

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